
Monday, October 12, 2009

Some things are not the same as when first noticed. . .

ODD . . .
Some things (most things) never resemble what they were when first noticed.

Carpets have a tendency to aquire a new look to them as time moves on...

Saturday, October 10th, 2009 became a day I decided to search for the "LOOK" the carpets had a few months back. 

With a lot of HOT Water, Soap, and a lot of Pushing and Dragging...

There really was fabic under the dirt. 

Life is good to know you can "RETURN" to what is and looks good....

Some call it "Carpet Cleaning"
                                               others refer to it as "Repentance" . . .

Depends on what state of mind you are in.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sunday . . . Clear the desk and get ready for the next week...

Sunday is a good day. 
Clean the papers off the desk in preparation for the next day...

Next look at the calendar to what is coming up in the days ahead...